Hamas exploits the Palestinian population of Gaza by building tunnels beneath densely populated areas. Many times, the tunnels’ access points are hidden between schools, mosques, hospitals and other civilian buildings. The terrorist organization deliberately embeds its terrorist infrastructure inside civilian neighbourhoods, knowing that the IDF is reluctant to strike civilian areas. Ironically, Hamas and other terrorist organizations in Gaza regularly hurt their own civilians as well. For example, in October 2023, the Islamic Jihad misfired a rocket that landed on the Al-Ahli (Al-Ma’amadani) Hospital, after which Hamas immediately blamed Israel.
The tunnels openings sometimes lead beyond the Gaza border, into Israeli territory. Many tunnels have been found in close proximity to Israeli communities.

In three recent incidents, squads of Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel through such terror tunnels. The latest incident took place on July 28 when terrorists infiltrated Israel via a tunnel near Nahal Oz. Their goal was to attack an Israeli community near the border. IDF soldiers thwarted the attack and killed one of the terrorists.

On July 17th, heavily armed terrorists climbed out of a tunnel near the Israeli community of Sufa, a few kilometers from the Gaza border. Four days later, terrorists wearing full IDF uniforms infiltrated Israel through a different tunnel. IDF forces killed the terrorists and discovered that they were wearing suicide vests. Their goal was to massacre Israeli civilians. They sadly did the same, albeit without using tunnels, in their attacks in October 2023, which sparked the Hamas – Israel War.


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