GetYarn , Playphrase – finds scenes from TV, movies or music videos in which the words or phrases you specify are spoken. To find an exact expression, enclose it in quotation marks. These tools are strictly for the English language.

inPhrase – added search filters for Ukrainian and Russian languages. Among the features, there is a function to search for words similar in sound and many search filters. Searches not only on YouTube. But for Ukrainian words, it is still quite raw and censored.

Filmot – after all, for searching Ukrainian expressions, this tool is the best. Minimal censorship, Surzhik understands, and a rather voluminous output result. If you want to find an entire expression, enclose it in quotation marks. Search filters are also available. Looking for the best of all analogues.

Youglish is another similar service. Here, the output result is implemented differently. There are no filters. It also finds Ukrainian dialects and dialects, but not at the same level as the previous one.


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