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Non-nuclear Iran launched a missile strike on the territory of nuclear Pakistan - The Cyber Shafarat - Membership only site
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#Pakistan #Iran
The first alleged video of the result of the missile and drone attack on bastions of the Jaish ul-Adl terrorist group in the border areas of Pakistan’s Baluchistan.

Due to the fact that the targeted areas are in the territory of the Jaish-ul-Adl terrorist group and the Pakistani government does not have much control over this area, there are no accurate information images about the amount of casualties and the effects of the attacks. So far, Jaish ul-Adl has admitted to hitting six suicide drones and a number of missiles…

Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry expressed its protest and “strong condemnation” of Iran’s violation of Pakistani airspace and the attack on Pakistani territory. In general, a missile attack on targets on Pakistani territory is a serious precedent in relations between the two countries. If yesterday’s missile attacks on targets in Syria and Iraq were far from the first for Iran, then in relations with Pakistan Iran refrained from such practices for quite a long time, although terrorist groups operating from poorly controlled areas of Pakistani Baluchistan have been creating many problems in the neighboring country for many years. Iranian province of Sistan and Baluchistan. However, Iran had previously only occasionally fired at groups of militants from mortars or drones near the border and refrained from striking deep into Pakistani territory. Therefore, until this moment, the most serious incident there was the downing of an Iranian Shahed-129 UAV that flew into Pakistani airspace several years ago by a Pakistani JF-17 fighter. Now Iran has struck at Jaish al-Adl militants in the area of the Pakistani city of Panjgur, which is located approximately 90+ km from the border.

What adds special urgency is that in this case, non-nuclear Iran launched a missile strike on the territory of nuclear Pakistan

Jaysh al-Adl is a militant Sunni Baloch organization recognized by Tehran as “terrorist”. It was created in 2012, but actually consists of “old” Baloch separatists. The organization regularly carries out terrorist attacks and attacks on Iranian law enforcement officers and military personnel in the province of Sistan and Baluchestan.

The latest was on December 15, 2023, when members of the group attacked a police station in the city of Rusk.

About Post Author

Treadstone 71

@Treadstone71LLC Cognitive Warfare Training, Intelligence and Counterintelligence Tradecraft, Influence Operations, Cyber Operations, OSINT,OPSEC, Darknet, Deepweb, Clandestine Cyber HUMINT, customized training and analysis, cyber psyops, strategic intelligence, Open-Source Intelligence collection, analytic writing, structured analytic techniques, Target Adversary Research, strategic intelligence analysis, estimative intelligence, forecasting intelligence, warning intelligence, Disinformation detection, Analysis as a Service
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