Революционное Движение Право Силы

On March 2, with the entry of the RDK into the Russian Federation and their call for partisans to arm themselves, a new season of partisan activity began. Now it has become clear to everyone – what will be the liberation of the Russian Federation, since there were brave people who showed the path of hope

Before you start collecting the informational fruits of the coming season, I would like to sum up

Top partisan actions February-23

  1. RDK and their entry into the territory of the Russian Federation with the subsequent undermining of a couple of infrastructure facilities
  2. BYPOL and a drone attack on a Russian plane opened the bird hunting season
  3. The Committee of the Bashkir Resistance claimed responsibility for the attack on the oil depot
  4. ATESH carried out more than 30 liquidations, including two FSB officers and destroyed more than 7 units. military equipment
  5. The Voronezh Republic attacked the police department and the Z-mobile
  6. VD-LSR carried out a series of sabotage on the railway
  7. Right Force set fire to the relay box
  8. The Green Gendarmerie carried out sabotage on the railway in Karelia

Noticed a new level? Attacks on aviation, military equipment, the elimination of the dogs of the system, the oil depot – grandiose!


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